Glossary Terms

CP analysis:

In evaluating and judging individuals, we consider the way people are, all else remaining equal , to be irrelevant. What we're interested in is the potential of an individual all else being different. CP is an acronym for ceteris paribus, Latin for "all else remaining the same". Example: Based on cp analysis, a person who tells us he spends the whole day watching TV and eating junk food would seem non-impartial because in the particular environment that he is, there is no relevant difference between him and a non-impartial. Based on ncp (not ceteris paribus) analysis, we would ask what this person's potential would be in a different kind of environment. Only if the person is happy and content to be as he is now would we attach much relevance to what he told us because in that case, he is implying that a different environment won't make a difference to him.


(1) of or involving a decision; for example, asking "should I move to California?" is a decision-based question (2) Concerned only with making the optimal decisions toward NSG; characterized by a tendency to dismiss memetic baggage that distracts and slows down. For example, decision-based thought necessarily rejects following the news and current events as memetic baggage.


Impartial philosophy is egocentric in that only the things one sees, feels and otherwise observes are considered certain and beyond doubt.  This is distinctly different from monotheistic religions, for example, which require faith in something that does not follow directly from one's sensory inputs.  It is also different from any philosophy that denies that reality is an illusion.  For example, it is possible that what we perceive as reality is a computer game in which certain tasks have to be fulfilled in order to advance to the next level.


(1) of or involving factual knowledge; for example, asking "who is the president of the US?" is a fact-based question (2) Characterized by an impractical or pedantic preference for thinking about what is factually true or false; valuing knowledge and comprehension using one's own mind as an end in itself. For example, wanting to understand advanced mathematics is a strong indication of fact-based thinking because one wants to do what someone else will do sooner or later anyway, indicating a lack of a sense of strategy.


When we use the word impartial, it means that one's emotions or wants do not bias one's strategy for attaining the goal.  It does not mean that one does not feel emotions and wants, or that one is not motivated by them.  One is impartial if one believes that there is nothing worth pursuing except for the goal.  Therefore, every thought and action is intended to help achieve it.  For example, an impartial may develop racial prejudice or may dogmatically insist that he won't judge someone on the basis of race. There is no inherent preference one way or the other, since such a preference would imply that one possesses values, beliefs, and goals that conflict. In impartiality, there is only the single goal.

Independent Derivation:

see simultaneous generation.

Information stuffing:

In our information age, the availability and variety of sensory stimulations is very high; the amount of books, music, movies, people, and place to go and visit is so large one will never exhaust even a tiny fraction of what's available. Information stuffing refers to to the insatiable drive to produce and consume all this information. We spend nearly all our waking time stuffing information, yet none of it adds anything fundamentally new. As adults, we have seen similar information countless times before. As information is consumed at a rate at which proper analysis is impossible, non-impartials learn to merely adapt to the information and become bored as soon as they stop processing more "new" information. Information ignoring refers to the deliberate act of ignoring or avoiding information as a counter to information stuffing.


For us, logic is the collection of methods of arriving at decisions, excluding those that are based on arbitration, faith, emotion, or contradiction.


Non-Specific Goal. The single goal.


(1) characterized by controlled or decision-based design; in this sense, we could say that while our genes are the product of microcompetition, computer software is more macrocompetitive in nature (2) advantageous only in conjunction with many coordinated changes; for example, I could say that his invention of a technology for which there is no immediate application or use made me wonder whether he had macrocompetitive intentions (3) part of a strategy to attain NSG; note that meaning (3) is always implied when the word macrocompetitive is used, but sometimes meaning (1) or (2) are implied in addition to (3)

Market meme:

An idea that is popular or widespread in the present meme market by virtue of being repeated the most. This is measured based on how often the idea pops up in the media, writings, or human conversations.

Meme resistance:

A measure of how effectively an individual is able to resist internalizing common views, beliefs, and opinions. Example: His religious faith immediately gave him away as a person of low meme resistance.


(1) controlled by forces of adaptive evolution; characterized by natural selection or survival of the fittest (2) creating an incremental advantage all other factors being as they are; example: circumstances forced the impartial to employ the microcompetitive tactic of dressing well during the job interview to make a good impression; the advantage created is incremental because the tactic works only in the context of a very particular type of culture; all other factors being as they are means that the culture is assumed to be constant and given (3) anything not part of the strategy to attain NSG; for example, we could say that every other website besides ours is microcompetitive in nature; note that meaning (3) is always implied when the word microcompetitive is used, but sometimes meaning (1) or (2) are implied in addition to (3)


Personal Specific Goal. A goal an impartial pursues that is of interest only because of his particular circumstances; for example, learning the English language might be a PSG an impartial pursues; this goal is personal in nature, meaning that many other impartials would not be interested in this goal

Simultaneous Generation:

In impartiality, there is no sense of ideas belonging to particular individuals. It is assumed that an idea expressed by one individual could just as easily have been thought of by another impartial. When impartials arrive at different conclusions, it is assumed that given enough time and experiences, they will eventually arrive at the same conclusions. Ever time an impartial says something, it is understood to be the best guess so far. There is an implicit expectation that impartial logic will lead different indviviuals to simultaneously generate (same as independently derive) the same ideas. When an impartial comes up with an impartial theory, concept, or conclusion that is completely new, it is nonetheless an achievement of the impartial whole; there is no individual achievement in impartiality.


Our use of the word scientific is in relation to the massive amounts of data that we perceive through our senses.  The scientific approach to analyzing a pattern is to find the simplest consistency in that pattern.  Simplest means an
explanation requiring the least number of additional factors.  For any pattern, there are infinite explanations; however, probability and reason dictates
that the one with the least factors is by far the most likely.

An example would be:  One has an object.  When that object is let go, it falls down.  The scientific conclusion is that any object that is let go will fall
down.  Based on the facts presented, that is the most reasonable and probable observation.  If one is later presented with an object that does not drop, an observation has to be made as to any factors that make this object unique from others.

Strategic step:

(1) The act of interrupting one's thought to think about the high level strategy in favor of low-level details; impartials are unique in that they take strategic steps to the maximum possible degree, referred to as maximum strategic stepping. (2) the step or coarse of action that has the highest priority based on strategic considerations

Aim of Impartial Philosophy and Key Concepts

A Strategy Toward the Fundamental Goal

Why the World is Blind
Adaptation Theory

Social Experiment
and How it Will Begin

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