A Strategy Toward the Fundamental Goal

Introduction, before we Begin

This text will discuss the most fundamental topic, the derivation of a logical goal to life. Of course this topic has been has been attempted many times before from many different angles, but none have ever been conclusive. The problem has always been not that knowledge was lacking, but that there is simply too much of it. Too much irrelevant information and assumptions that we try to all put into place, and they never fit because many of them have no basis and are probably not even accurate. You can't take an endless source or random irrelevant information and expect to simplify it into a single elegant solution.

Every philosophy, analysis and attempt at applying logic to this world takes what already exists as its basis and boundary. We weed through endless conflicting ideals and "truths" to try and make generalizations and find patterns, we hopelessly try to find an answer that would not contradict these arrays of random assumptions we are all so used to repeating.

So there will be something fundamentally different about these texts. They will assume nothing from the start. As though we are just born on to this earth and know of nothing that exists. They will do that because nothing that exists now is relevant to the most fundamental questions, and nothing that exists now can be certain to be true. There is no need to quote other "thinkers" or "philosophers" of any time, no need to introduce any ideas other than the ones that can be arrived at in a logical progression. That is how we will begin.

Intended Audience

This text is very abstract in its nature, it ignores all common and uncommon assumptions, and it assumes a reader that is extremely open minded, but at the same time one that will only accept the most logical explanation of things. This text is intended only for those that already see the flaws of the present pointless existence and desire more than what this society can ever offer. It is for those that have no ties or allegiances to this society or anyone in it, and for those that chose to dedicate 100% of their life to the pursuit of logic.

The Use of Logic

Logic in itself is a tool to apply to the information that is presented. Two individuals can use accurate logic to arrive at different conclusions if the information they used was different. At the same time logic is also universal, in the same exact circumstance accurate logic should always give the same conclusion (assuming no mistakes were made).

To use logic one has to start with something. But instead of starting with arbitrary assumption we must start with the barest minimum. Starting with the least number of assumptions is the only way that there can be no disagreement, and will give the highest odds that those assumptions were accurate.

The Base Assumption

Because this assumption is so essential and yet so basic this becomes a very difficult point of wording. There is no word yet that describes this exact assumption perfectly, but here are some variations that all mean the same thing:
- "There is a purpose"
- "Not all things/ideas/decisions are equal"
- "Something [of value/relevance] exists"
- “There is something that matters”
- …

This wording states basically that logic can be applied. If there is no purpose, all concepts are equal, nothing exists and nothing matters then there is no application of logic. Then no action, thought or decision is better than any other action, thought or decision and therefore logic becomes irrelevant.

We will call this assumption the assumption of NSG, or non-specific goal. That also basically states that one will use logic to pursue NSG, and that logic can be used only in relation to NSG.

Assumption of Action - Decision Based Logic

The next assumption is something very different from the way most people think of logic, and is also essential. It isn't actually an assumption but more of a method of applying logic. It is that logic will not be used to derive "truths" or "facts" as there is insufficient data to produce those with certainty. Logic will be used to derive the best decision that lead to actions toward pursuing NSG. Logic will be used to construct the strategy with the best chance of attaining NSG.

Emphasis on Strategy

While above I mentioned that we assume action toward pursuit of NSG, the most important part to action is a global strategy. For example, you can take everything above and begin studying some specific field of Science or Mathematics in order to pursue NSG. That may be accurate, but it was far from the most strategically sound decision. One's contributions to any segment of science or study already pursued by current society are completely insignificant, as others would almost certainly cover them. The most sound strategy may be laying for foundation for true progress to take place 1000s of years from now rather than pursuing any studies now with resources which are simply too limited to make any success likely.

Some Basic Criticism of Today’s Society

Before we continue laying out the foundation for creating a strategy toward pursuit of NSG the obvious question would be what is wrong with the course the present society is taking? On one hand it could be said that it is possible that the present society could still achieve NSG, even though it is not intentionally pursuing it but rather acting randomly and sometimes in the process eliminating some unknowns. Today’s society does excel at scientific progress, but such progress without a global strategy may be far from enough. The only strategically sound thing to do is ignore the chance that the present society could also reach NSG, since that possibility is covered anyways, but rather focus on creating a society that is perfectly suited toward that pursuit to increase the chances of success.

Uniquely Different and Macro-Competitive

Creating something similar to what already exists has as little point as pursuing something that would be pursued on its own. What that means is that the society we create must be very much different from anything that currently exists. Currently the world functions based on micro-competition, that means every being functions on their own in competition with every other. This may be effective for evolution based on random selection but it also has very strict limits. The process could lead to a single random catastrophe (nuclear war, etc.), it can result in reverse evolution, and most likely it can lead eventually get into an endless cycle. After all, human beings were designed only to survive and reproduce, not to produce progress. The complete opposite to random selection and micro-competition is intelligent selection and macro-competition. Intelligent selection can be applied to anything that micro-competition was applied to before, from genetics to ideas. Macro-competition means all members of the society collaborating toward the same goal, rather than all members pursuing random goals with the hopes that sometimes they coincide with the goal.

First Strategic Step

The most optimal strategy takes into consideration only the odds of success, not the time it takes or any other preferences. More time will be probably need to be devoted toward creating the most optimal strategy than to actually taking any steps toward executing it. However, the first strategic step is clear, it is to find allies and create a micro-society that is optimized for the pursuit of NSG. This is what this website is about, and we will go no further into discussing speculations about the strategic steps that are to be taken afterwards.

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Aim of Impartial Philosophy and Key Concepts

A Strategy Toward the Fundamental Goal

Why the World is Blind
Adaptation Theory

Social Experiment
and How it Will Begin

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